[金融投資故事] 韓國的金融機構

2024. 4. 30. 23:26US Economic


[金融投資故事] 韓國的金融機構
韓國有哪些金融公司呢? 金融公司的種類大致分爲金融公司而不是銀行和銀行。  銀行幾乎可以辦理存款(存款、存錢)、取款(取錢)、貸款(借錢)、匯款(寄錢)、兌換(換成其他國家的錢)、髮卡、繳納公共費用等與錢有關的所有業務。

爲了使用如此多樣的服務,銀行是韓國生活中必須使用的金融公司。  另外,與銀行進行類似業務的金融公司有相互儲蓄銀行、新村金庫、信用協同組合(信協)、農業協同組合(農協)、水產業協同組合(水協)、郵局等。 這些金融公司的使用方法與銀行幾乎相似,但存錢和借錢時利率都比銀行高。

像這樣,韓國有多種金融公司,選擇自己方便使用的金融公司就可以了。 雖然最近經常通過網上銀行或手機銀行進行金融交易,但如果需要存摺或幫助,利用家附近的金融公司會很方便。  除此之外,在金融生活中比較經常使用的金融公司有保險公司、證券公司、信用卡公司等。

[Financial Investment Story]
"Korean financial institutions"

​What kind of financial companies are there in Korea? Financial companies are broadly divided into banks and non-bank financial companies. At a bank, money-related activities include deposit (deposit, depositing money), withdrawal (retrieving money), loan (borrowing money), remittance (sending money), currency exchange (changing money to another country's money), card issuance, utility bill payment, etc. It can handle almost any task.

​In order to use these various services, a bank is a financial company that you must use in your life in Korea. Meanwhile, financial companies that do business similar to banks include Mutual Savings Bank, Saemaeul Geumgo, credit unions (credit unions), agricultural cooperatives (Nonghyup), fisheries cooperatives (susu cooperatives), and post offices. In the case of these financial companies, the methods used are almost similar to those of banks, but the interest rates are higher than those of banks when both depositing and borrowing money.

​As there are a variety of financial companies in Korea, you can choose the one that is convenient for you. These days, many financial transactions are done through internet banking or mobile banking, but if you need help opening a bank account or need help, it may be convenient to use a financial company near your home. In addition, financial companies that are used relatively frequently during financial life include insurance companies, securities companies, and credit card companies.
<Data : Financial Supervisory Service ‘Financial Life Guide for Foreigners’>
