"The disappearance of attributes and a decrease in clicks. Marketing is returnin

2024. 7. 31. 18:06US Economic


"The disappearance of attributes and a decrease in clicks. Marketing is returning to the 20th century."

A post explaining the situation on Facebook right now. It spammed all links to the outside based on strange standards and made them play only inside, killing all the attributes and clicks. If people don't click on the content, wouldn't they not click on the advertisement? I think it will be a jackpot


- The marketing methods we've been doing for the past 20 years are coming to an end  
- In the past, I thought I could track all views and clicks and attribute them perfectly when they lead to transition, but now I don't  
# What's killing clicks?  
- Major search, social, and content platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have incentives to keep users on their platforms  
- So you're leaning towards algorithms that penalize links and reward your own content, such as zero-click content  
# What things killed the attribution?  
- Apple's Cookie Changes, Anti-Tracking and Privacy Act in California, Canada, New York, and EU  
- Large-scale adoption of ad blockers (one-third to one-half of Internet users are used on one or more devices)  
- Multi-device journeys cannot be tracked by browser fingerprinting  
- Adoption of mobile and tablet devices and domination of in-app activity further hide attribute data  
- Zero-click issues prevent people from clicking like they used to  
- Dark Traffic Hides Over 50% of Major Social Networks  
# Data supporting this claim  
- A study with Datos found that the majority of web traffic comes from search (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo accounted for 70% of all traffic recommendations)  
- But where people spend their time is not a search. A real search is only 10% of all visits  
- Spend time on social, email, news websites, e-commerce, video and audio platforms  
- Trying to prove an influx with traffic recommendation data will make you an idiot on Google  
  - Everything you spend on social, news, email, video, audio, etc. leads to potential searches  
  - However, rather than clicking on a direct link, you often end up searching on Google later. Then Google takes the ball  
# What are the solutions to the zero-click, attribute-free 2024 marketing world?  
- The solution is to go where it affects the audience  
- For example, you can Google to find the best rice to make risotto, but you can also watch TikTok or Instagram videos or browse your favorite recipe blogs  
- Every week millions of people around the world make risotto, but only 0.1% of them search Google for "best rice to make risotto."  
- We need to find out all the sources that affect them  
- Need to know all the ways to entice you to buy certain brands or types of rice  
- Need to identify websites visited by risotto searchers, social networks and accounts they use and follow, podcasts, YouTube channels, subreddit, etc  
- "Best Rice for Rizzotto" Concerns Over Google Search  
  - Outdated SEOs may look at potential click-through rates and say this keyword is not worth targeting  
  - Google May Not Think It's Worth Ranking Because It's Showing Immediate Answers  
  - There are no clicks, but there are consequences that affect behavior  
  - Grocery stores search for "best type of rice for risotto" likely to buy arborio rice, the bold answer at the top of Google search results  
  - But arborio is not the best rice for risotto, and it's better to buy carnaroli rice if possible  
- Problems with marketing activities to change search results  
  - Even if Google succeeds in changing search results to show Carnaroli (or certain brands), there is a lack of attributes  
  - Can't prove to the boss what value they've provided to the company by taking that ranking  
  - Not only do most searches end up clickless, but they don't tell you what keywords sent them even if you send traffic  
  - Google removed the ability to view keyword data nearly a decade ago  
# Reaching people through the right sources of influence is the key to success  
- Aged carnaroli rice brand called Acquerello is highly regarded by professional chefs and household chefs for risotto  
- Although little known in the U.S. 10 years ago, it has invested in tactics that cannot be fully attributed over the past decade to significantly increase sales  
- marketing strategies utilized by Acquerello  
  - Launching an affiliate program (though it didn't fit well with brand positioning) to be featured in major U.S. publications with sales through Amazon  
  - PR team pitching to Bon Appetit editors, etc  
  - Encourage chefs across Italy to include brand names on their menus and place rice packaging on restaurant shelves as tourists experience great risotto for the first time  
  - Launch large-scale word-of-mouth campaign with Italian restaurants and chefs in major U.S. cities  
  - Sponsored events in Europe and other North American countries  
  - Sales of products in partnership with U.S. specialty retailers  
  - Expansion of online sales distribution  
- Success Factors and Limitations of Acquerello Marketing  
  - All of this contributed positively to Acquirello's success, but it could not be attributed to certain sales  
  - Most U.S. tech CEOs and CFOs who decide their spending based on attribute models would have vetoed everything Acquerello did because they could not prove it led to higher sales  
  - "It's a correlation, it's not a causal relationship, so you can waste money
